Monday, March 06, 2006

Kim Chee and Sweet Tea

It seems that my fellow Americans have become consumed with the dual fears of 1.) outsourcing jobs and 2.) illegal immigration which combined will drive the USA into another Great Depression apparently. My first thought is -- "if all American jobs are outsourced wouldn't that be a great way to stop illegal immigration?" -- of course not. These two issues are only related due to the concept of "creative destruction" which keeps the American economy vibrant so while we might lose some jobs due to outsourcing our historic engine for growth has been enterprising immigrants seeking their own American dream. Two powerful forces that improve our quality of life.

Well along comes another "outsourcing" story in today's (March 6, 2006) Financial Times but this time the outsourcing is FROM South Korea TO the USA. Kia Motors is very close to choosing an assembly plant site from a list of Southern States in the USA including -- Mississippi, Tennessee, South Carolina, and Georgia -- which is expected to be a US$1 billion investment that would generate 2,500 jobs.

The State of Georgia is the leading candidate to secure this new assembly plant which would help replace some of the 5,000 jobs recently lost due to cuts at Ford and General Motors in the area. This is very encouraging news which shows two things -- despite all the "sky is falling" rhetoric about outsourcing all American jobs to places like India the USA is still a great place for manufacturing if for not other reason than the USA is a great CONSUMER MARKETPLACE due to NAFTA opportunities allowing Kia to export their cars to Canada and Mexico from the USA and due to Americans' buying power.

So you want some sweet teaaaaaaaaa with your kim chee?



Jeff Deitering said...

She's real fine
my 1 point 9
She's real fine
my 1 point 9
My under powered, 5-speed, mono-traction 1 point 9
Giddee up, giddee up, giddee up 1 point 9....

Todd said...

JDSQRD - you seem to make light of the Kia autos? Consumers are voting with their money so you can't fault such a market decision. I much prefer much Durango since I am doing my part to use as much oil as possible thus forcing our country to develop alternatives fuels!!